| InvestHub.com's Finance Dictionary and Glossary of Investment Terms NASD Definition 1.
e: National Association of Securities Dealers | Definition 2.
National Association of Securities Dealers. A selfregulatory securities industry organization responsible for the operation and regulation of the Nasdaq stock market and overthe-counter markets. The NASD investigates complaints against member firms and tries to ensure that all of its members adhere to both its own standards and those laid out by the SEC. The NASD has the power to expel its members from an exchange in the case of wrongdoing, but it cannot take legal action against a member other than by reporting it to the SEC. The association is run by a Board that takes half of its representatives from the securities industry and half from the public. | Definition 3.
See National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) | Definition 4.
See National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. |