| InvestHub.com's Finance Dictionary and Glossary of Investment Terms Market Timing Definition 1.
1. The act of attempting to predict the future direction of the market, typically through the use of technical indicators or economic data. 2. The practice of switching among mutual fund asset classes in an attempt to profit from the changes in their market outlook. | Definition 2.
Asset allocation in which investment in the equity market is increased if one forecasts that the equity market will outperform T-bills and is decreased when the market is anticipated to underperform. | Definition 3.
Attempting to predict future market directions, usually by examining recent price and volume data or economic data, and investing based on those predictions. also called timing the market. | Definition 4.
A technique used by investors or money managers who believe they can predict when the market will change course. For example, a mutual fund manager might switch the bulk of his fund''s holdings from stocks into bonds or cash when he thinks -- based on analysis, his own ""gut feeling,"" or both -- that stocks have peaked. If he times the market correctly, he could make a huge profit. Then, when he thinks the stock market is ready to take off again, he could shift back into stocks in an effort to make another big killing.History has shown that few investors can consistently time the market. If professional managers can''t do it, you shouldn''t try either. The best way to build a handsome portfolio is invest for the long term, not for the short. |